Products  Testing Equipments footwear industry

Vamp Flexometer with 12 stations

Model: H010
Producer: HiLAB-Portugal
Giá: Contact
Determine the propensity of upper materials to crack, according ISO 4643:Met.B; ISO 5423:Met.B; ISO5402-2; SATRA TM25

Ứng dụng sản phẩm

  • This “Vamp” softness tester has 12 positions for the convenience of mounting the test specimen, has a manual movement that allows placing the clamps in the most open position and also to make the first movement slowly to verify if the sample is folded correctly.
  • The current model is to perform tests at room temperature. To perform tests at cold temperatures, up to -20oC, there is a cold chamber device model H010C.
  • All parts of the machine that come into contact with the test sample are made from stainless steel or aluminum and are sturdy enough to avoid bending during testing.

Thông số kỹ thuật

Tiêu chuẩn

  • ISO 4643:Met.B;
  • ISO 5423:Met.B;
  • ISO5402-2;
  • SATRA TM25


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